Interruptions, Detours And Delays
February 25, 2024
Acts 9 Did God know Paul was going to His witness in Rome?
Ananias– Acts 9:15-16 But the Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. 16 For I will show him how many things he must suffer for My name’s sake.”
3rd-Acts 19:21 Paul decided to go to Jerusalem, passing through Macedonia and Achaia. “After I have been there,” he said, “I must visit Rome also.” Map-1
Acts 20:3 And when the Jews plotted against him as he was about to sail to Syria, he decided to return through Macedonia. Inter-road-detour.
MAP-2 Map-1 Eutychus—Calls for the Ephesian Elders to meet him at Miletus
Acts 20:29-31 I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30 Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. 31 So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears.
Revelation 2:2 I know that you cannot tolerate wicked people, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and have found them false.
Paul went to Jerusalem against the advice of his friends and the prophet Agabus. He was warned hardship and prison awaited him there. Compelled by the Spirit.
Falsely accused of bringing a Gentile into the temple, Beaten and almost killed, rescued and arrested by the romans, double chained. Requested to speak to the people. They listened (TESTIMONY) until he said: GO, I’LL SEND YOU TO THE GENTILES. They become angry and want to stone Paul. Saved by Roman
Stands before the Sanhedrin (gets punched in the face) spoke about the resurrection of the dead and they became so violent the commander had to remove Paul because he feared they would tear him to pieces.
Acts 23:11 The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.”
There was an assassination plan on Paul’s life (40MEN) under heavy guard Paul is moved to Caesarea, where Paul was being kept under guard at Herod’s palace.
Before Governor Felix preached: FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS-RIGHTEOUSNESS-SELF CONTROL-JUDGEMENT TO COME. Procrastinated- Felix leaves Paul in prison for 2 years.
Proverbs 16:9 A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.
Felix is gone and there’s a new Governor named Festus. The Jews tried to trick Festus into sending Paul to Jerusalem because they were plotting to kill Paul before he got there. Their little trick failed and God moved to protect Paul and this time to secure his trip to Rome.
We learn from Paul that in order to be right where God needs us, when He needs us; He will interrupt our plans and put up a few roadblocks or detours.
We also learn from Paul, that God, in His wisdom, will guide us through every circumstance we face–but we must be absolutely completely surrendered to His will in order to make it through the difficult times.
Paul has been stuck in this prison for 2 years. Sometimes we face interruptions, detours and delays that drive us crazy because we know God is guiding in a certain direction. During those times we need to remember that “time spent waiting on God is not wasted time.” If we keep our focus, we will see more clearly the work God is doing in and through us.
Think about this…Jesus performed some of the greatest miracles or shared His most powerful messages to us because His schedule got interrupted or he was seemingly delayed or detoured.
John 2–Water into Wine
John 4-On the way to Galilee-Woman at the well
Luke 7–Widow of Nain’s son
Luke 8—Returning from Gaderenes Jairus daughter—Woman with issue of blood
Mark 2–In Capernaum teaching in a house Man let down through the roof
When Jesus got interrupted detoured or delayed, He didn’t spin out of control because for Him, it was more about the person than His own agenda.
Jesus knew that each and every interruption, detour or delay was an opportunity to do some of His greatest work for God. If we look through His eyes we’ll understand that these are not interruptions but divine appointments to touch someone’s life.
The next interruption, roadblock or detour you face could be because God is working something out for you. OR He may be working something out for someone else THROUGH you.
What I am about to say may be a bit shocking because when God revealed this to me it was a shocker.
When I get angry because my schedule gets interrupted, detoured or delayed. I’m actually angry at God, because it is God who set up the appointment.
Does that mean that we shouldn’t make plans? No, but that we shouldn’t fall apart, if and when God interrupts or detours or delays our plans.
God is about to use Paul to influence Festus. But God had also set up a divine appointment with none other than King Agrippa, that’s why God kept Paul in prison in Caesarea.
God’s faithfulness never ends, never fails and never wavers and His wisdom and goodness, His grace and are more than sufficient for any situation.
“If there are places God wants us to be in, we will be there. If there are things that we are to do, we will do them. Not that we are puppets, or that your will is violated, but that God is powerful enough, wise enough, and good enough to bring our lives, this world, and everything in it to His intended goals and purposes.
Our duty is to stay close to Him, hear from Him regularly, and be flexible enough in our plans, and confident enough in Him that when things go different from our expectation, we can lift our hands in genuine praise and gratefulness, and be willing to walk through the fire with Him and for Him.
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