Knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:58
When a farmhand named Albert McMakin came to Christ at age 24, he invited friends to go to a revival meeting with him; and one of them, 16-year-old Billy Graham, did so and was converted.
Isn’t it encouraging to know that God can use us to do great things when we simply obey His Great Commission and do our part in sharing Christ? One of our tried and true methods is friendship and relational evangelism. Using our natural networks of friendship and associations, we can often come across a moment to share the Gospel.
Think about inviting someone to church, to a Christian concert, or to an evangelistic event. Invite them to attend a Bible study with you. Share a verse of Scripture. Try initiating a Gospel conversation. Say things like, “The Lord bless you today,” and, “What a beautiful day God has made!” See if the other person responds. Plant seeds. Share Christian books and magazines (like Turning Points). Remember, our labor in the Lord is not in vain!
No one ever hears the Gospel proclaimed without making some kind of decision. The Spirit of God will go ahead of us when we witness—preparing the way, giving us words, granting us courage.
Billy Graham
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